When? June 2023
What? PPE aims to teach dentists PURE PRACTICAL ENDODONTICS (rotary and reciprocating, effective irrigation, ultrasonics, electronic apex locator, and 3-D obturation), allowing the dentist to reduce procedural accidents and achieve better treatment results.
What are included in PPE? THURSDAY EVENING LECTURES: Access cavity, electronic apex locator, shaping and cleaning, and obturation.
SATURDAY: Full one-day pure practical mentorship on extracted teeth until you feel confident. Access to educational videos. Complimentary gifts of a set of hand pluggers and a file holder. Complimentary one hour attendance with the next course to practice on weak areas.
Where? Elgin Mills Endodontic Specialists office 1650 Elgin Mills Rd east, Richmond Hill, unit # 310, L4S 0B2
Who? Dr. Farzad Danesh DDS, MSc, FRCD(C), Certified Endodontist
Module one: Early bird price: $3,495 + tax;
Module two: Extra $1000 ($4,495 + tax in total)
Which includes: Full one-day pure practical mentorship on extracted teeth until you feel confident + One-time 4 hours’ mentorship at your office while you are performing an endodontic treatment on a real patient of your choice + 2 patients’ shadowing on real treatments at Elginmills Endodontic Specials office.
There are limited spots available, for 50% off your purchase, call/email us.
For more information, please visit www.purepracticalendo.com
Is to provide high quality equipments/supplies for all dental professionals.
Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 5 PM