1. How many times can the Work Tip be autoclaved?
The Work Tip can be autoclaved up to 100
times. Each cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization cycle should be documented.
2. What should I do if the Work Tip
shows visible stains after cleaning and disinfection?
If visible stains are present, you should
repeat the entire cleaning and disinfection process to ensure the Work Tip is thoroughly cleaned.
3. What temperature should not be
exceeded when cleaning the Work Tip?
The Work Tip should not be exposed to temperatures above 138°C during cleaning, disinfection, or sterilization.
4. What are the steps for post-operative
treatment of the Work Tip?
- Turn off the Heating Handpiece and let it cool for 1 minute.
- Use a cotton swab or clean soft cloth to remove any remaining Gutta-percha.
- Dry the Work Tip with a clean, soft cloth and place it in a clean tray.
5. How should the Work Tip be prepared
before cleaning?
- Remove the Work Tip Protector and place it in a clean tray.
- Remove the Work Tip from the handle and place it in a clean tray.
- Wipe the Work Tip with a soft cloth to remove visible dirt, then dry it with a clean cloth and place it in a clean tray. Use pure water for cleaning.
6. What is the recommended procedure for
cleaning the Work Tip?
- Pre-wash with pure water at 25°C for 3 minutes.
- Clean with a detergent recommended by the manufacturer (e.g., RUHOF ENDOZIME AW PLUS WITH APA) at 25°C for 5 minutes.
- Rinse twice with pure water at 25°C for 1 minute each.
7. How should the Work Tip be disinfected?
Disinfection should be performed no later
than 2 hours after cleaning. Use an automated washer-disinfector set to 93°C for 5 minutes with an A0 value greater than 3000.
8. What are the drying methods for the
Work Tip if not using automatic drying?
- Dry with filtered dry compressed air (max pressure 3 bar) until no liquid is visible on white paper or cloth.
- Alternatively, dry in a medical drying cabinet or oven at 80°C–120°C for 15–40 minutes.
9. What should be done if the Work Tip
shows damage?
If the Work Tip is damaged, such as being
smashed or corroded, it must be discarded and not used further.
10. How should the Work Tip be stored
after sterilization?
Store the sterilized Work Tip in a medical
sterilization bag or clean sealing container, and keep it in a special storage cabinet. The storage time should not exceed 7 days; otherwise, reprocess before use.